Awards & Recognition

Date Title
2015-12-15Awarded 2015 6th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship SME Category "Merit" Award & Volunteer Team "Logo" Award by HKPC
2015-11-17Awarded 2015 HSBC LIVING BUSINESS People Caring "Excellence" Award, Community Engagement "Excellence" Award & Green Achievement "Merit" Award by HSBC
2015-01-01Honored as "2015 Promoting Happiness Index Foundation – Happy Company Award" by Promoting Happiness Index Foundtion
2014-12-17Honored as "2014 5th HongKong Corporate Citizenship Program-Social Enterprise Certificate of Merit" by Hong Kong Productivity Council
2014-12-12Awarded "One Of The 43 Companies In The Third Hong Kong SME Business Sustainability Index" by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2014-11-28Awarded "2014 HSBC LIVING BUSINESS People Caring Gold Award" by HSBC
2014-11-28Awarded "2014 HSBC LIVING BUSINESS Community Engagement Award" by HSBC
2014-06-19Awarded 2013-2014 "Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers" & "Award of Innovation" By Family Council
2014-04-23Honored as "The 5th ERB "MD's 2014-2016" List of Manpower Developer Award Scheme by Employees Retraining Board
2014-02-25Honored as "2014Caring Company"by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
2014-01-21Honored as "2013 4thHK Corporate Citizenship Photo Competition-Silver Award" by Hong Kong Productivity Council
2014-01-21Honored as "2013 4th HongKong Corporate Citizenship Program-Certificate of Merit" by Hong Kong Productivity Council
2014-01-01Honored as "2014 Promoting Happiness Index Foundation – Happy Company Award" by Promoting Happiness Index Foundtion
2013-11-25Awarded "2013 HSBC LIVING BUSINESS People Caring Award" by HSBC
2013-11-25Awarded "2013 HSBC LIVING BUSINESS Community Engagement Silver Award" by HSBC
2013-01-30Honored as "2012HK Corporate Citizenship photo Competition - Silver Award " by Hong Kong Productivity Council
2013-01-30Honored as "2012HK Corporate Citizenship Logo Winner" by Hong Kong Productivity Council
2013-01-01Honored as "2013Caring Company"by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
2012-12-31Honored as "2012 HSBC Living Business Awards People Caring Award - Certificate of Excellence" by HSBC Living Business Programme
2012-11-04Honored as "Charity Walk" by DBI 「2012秋季步行籌款-推動企業文化教育」感謝狀